L30NDR4G0N wrote:
hey m8, my english isn't the best, but i'll give it a try and hope you'll get my point...first of all have to say that there are some good comments made here on this thread, but when i talk about the other extreme i mean people that look to me, like they accept everything as it is without questioning stuff...sure, no one loves haters, but to pick at them isn't the correct way too...thing is to me,
No worries, good attempt.
I do not pick on haters, you see haters are abundant and they LOVE to band wagon how the game sucks. So someone like me whom megerly defends the game is no where near picking on anyone. Try to find appreciative threads as opposed to hate filled threads, tell me which one fills these threads.
L30NDR4G0N wrote:
but to hate is also a sign of frustration...problem is, as one mentioned right before, that CoD has no worth mentioning rival what makes devs able to act as they want to...spawn system
This is exactly the problem, people do not venture out, try BF4, try Titanfall, try something else other than COD and find a game that is better received. No one forces ANYONE to play the game, frustrating or not the CHOICE to play is on each person. Only the mad decide to return and play, return and play. Use your God Given ability to choose, if you do not like the choices than stop gaming, if you dont want to stop gaming than deal with IT such is life. (nothing vs you just saying).