Sure , twenty time I reapeat that I never said that there wasnt a problem and the twenty times I never said it was definitely the game, and the one time I supposedly said it was definitely not the game and that one time it was deleted. Yeah right.
you might someday learn how to read like that part when you think I said there wasnt a problem. Many people on this forum know me enough to admit when I make a mistake and I wouldnt delete my post if and I were wrong. I would have the balls to admit it.
I know enough to post something as actual fact without some evidence to back it up my theory.
Oh and the part where I said "it was not the game" wasnt deleted. Its still there. I posted its not the game because everyone is not on the forums crying about it. Twitter would be flooded with it.
"And no its not the game because I yet have been dropped in a game on Tremor." Tremor is not a problem for most gamers out there. So they wont fix it unless they find it otherwise . If they cant replicate the problem then they cant fix it.