I agree that the integration of the onslaught maps has caused 'fractures' with game finding at certain times and like the idea's you have put forward. In all reality I don't see them putting the map packs or season pass on offer just yet and as for giving loyal customers a form of reimbursement if they do this would it be highly doubtful (as we've seen when offering items for pre-ordering, then they've given them away at a later date to everyone).
I honestly can't see why they didn't implement the option to disable new maps as they did with MW3, this could help at times with the matchmaking and also sort some of the forum issues out. As much as enjoy playing the new maps, I would happily sacrifice playing them to find games quicker and stop lobby hoppers (who don't want to play the new maps).
I know this much, this will probably be the last season pass I invest in, next time I will probably wait for 'a fire sale' and buy then, knowing that more people will probably have it, hopefully.