Most players in clans cant play alone or have the skill to. Thats why they only play with friends. I will say this again. FFA is not a game i enjoy because its way too campy and yes it it if others want to say it isnt. Im seriously about to quit playing Ghosts because all it is Clans. See i know how to play against them but telling my teammates is another story. They dont listen and think they can take on a whole team. Watching players that keep going the same way and getting killed by the same guys camping in the same spot with his whole team is just annoying. Only clans or parties do this and if people want to say they dont well you might be the very few that do because most if not all do it. Objective games are worse. If being in a clan makes you think your a better player you are so wrong. Try playing alone and we will see how good you think you are not having your whole team backing you up. It is a team game but to a point the maps are big enough for everyone to spread out but when i play clans they stay close together watching a whole area and not moving. I can play a whole clan on a large map and destroy them because they cant camp the whole map. Im glad many of you agree with my post and it would be nice to see Activision step it up and put in Mercenary TDM up to 2 players in party. Or just send the try hard clans to play against other clans like the meaning Clan wars should really be and not play against randoms who most time dont know how to play against a large party or clan.