What bothers me is you admit she's 14, now for the sake of "Humility" lets say you are an Army Ranger, and your brother Is a Scout Sniper. You've probably ended a lot of lives between the two of you. My question is why the hell would you encourage your neice? Its NOT a video game, there is no respawning there. You should be pushing her to be a doctor, SAVE lives not end them. Especially for America when half our men, sons, brothers, fathers, are out there dying and they don't even know why they are fighting!
As for your posts. I still call into question. Like I said on the internet, anyone could be anyone. Look at "To catch a predetor" you get people in chat rooms (This is really no different) and the pedo thinks hes talkin to some hot 14 yr old, Uh no its a 30 yr old cop......So you say your a 22 yr vet, in reality, you can be some 16 yr old obesed kid chomping on mc donalds.