ToDMoose wrote:
I would appreciate ping times for player being posted. If I am playing a game with my North American buddies and with players in Europe (or farther) the lag becomes so bad you don't know if it's lag or hacking. If the pings are posted and I have a high ping - I leave - if not immediately then after the current game. Also, why would you ever put default pings to connect at 800 mS? Anything over a hundred is bad IMO.
They don't want you to see your ping, as that way you can see just how bad the matchmaking is and that there really is no dedicated servers.
Infinity Ward lied when they mentioned Dedicated Servers, in fact they have lied and obtained pretty much every pc players threw false advertisement and fraud.
No doubt this post will be deleted because it's the truth and they don't like people telling the truth on here.