Welcome to the Recruitment forum for PE (heh don't worry our clan tag won't be that)
Console: PS4 (ONLY)
Slots left: 13 of 16
Clan Tag: Pony (Unless we get suggestions)
The Name: Pagasi Elite came from me wanting a name that was related to My Littl- No don't click that X button nuuu!! D= Well there goes an anti-brony person... As I was saying I wanted a name that was related to My Little Pony. However I didn't want Brony or Pony or something on lines of that I wanted something more diffrent and orignal And we are not a Brony only clan C= I will only be allowing 16 to join If you want to join post below and please do tell me abit about your self!
Clan K/D: N/A
Clan Win %: N/A
(I will add these once we have full team =3 )
What I'm looking for(These are NOT REQUIRED):
K/D -6.00 (Why don't I want people with 6.00+ KD? Well clearly you steal all the kills =3)
Age 15-25
A Mic is not required (I won't be using one)
(Note: These are //NOT REQUIRED//)
Know English
K/D 1.30+
Friendly and Active people
(Note: Any one who joined before this was made will be uneffected)
(Reason: I made Requirements due to having too much low KD people (It will effect my KD D'=))
Who am I?:
I'm LittleBearHugs Yay! I'm a gamer from Scotland and for all you pervs and nerds out there yes I'm a female and no my boddy is not for sale ;3. I mostly get on at 11pm to 5am Yea I stay up late
My Stats:
K/D: 1.40
Win %: 1.48
Avg Score: 1050
Note: This clan is still very new you can expect a lot of changes in the future
Bye now Hugs for all!! =3