With 856 people currently playing blitz, my game can't find more than 2 different lobbies for me, in which i still lag. In addition, games that i do join are almost always losing to a party of friends, in which my brain dead teammates can never stand up against, because they never seem to know how to play the objective.
It would be wonderful to see a return of a mercenary Team Deathmatch and Mercenary Moshpit so that people playing lone wolf don't have to put up with guaranteed losses against full parties. Not to mention that when i leave a game that my idiotic teamates and i have no chance of winning, i'm just put into another losing game or the same lobby.
When i leave a lobby, i shouldn't be thrown back into the same lobby. If I exit a lobby, it's for a reason and i obviously don't want to stay in that lobby. Leaving a game in progress should also have higher penalties, such as a halfed rate of exp for the next game played(if began within 5 minutes to prevent punishing players that are forced to leave from irl circumstances).