Bug number 4: When we try to play splitscreen in offline mode, it flips the screen orientation. My screen is on the bottom and hers is on top. But when we play online, I am on top and she is on the bottom. Please add an option to let us choose where we are on the splitscreen.
Bug number 5: DLC. Microsoft says all local players have full gold access to DLC. My wife and I both have a gold account. Both of our accounts are set to use our xbox one as the home console. We have never signed in any where else. I purchase the DLC and she cannot see any of the content aside from the maps. She cannot see the team leader pack, the wolf, and the new guns from the Onslaught DLC.
Bug number 6: After installing Onslaught DLC, frame rates went way down. We were getting a ton of stuttering. Maybe it was the connection on the servers but I thought MS made some giant new datacenter to handle that....
Side note: I hope someone is reading this. Bug number 1 may have been fixed with the latest patch. We were unable to check tonight, but I did notice some of my squad actually dropping their perks. Will verify tomorrow.