has anyone noticed that now clans are not using the clan tag. i got into about 3 different lobbies where there was at least 4 members with their clan tag on and at least 4 more that didn't. the only reason i knew that they were part of that clan is at the beginning their gamertag had the clan name. example clan name (xxxx) joe bob has got their clan tag on. the others are more like xxxx joe bob with the gamer tag blank. i understand that their are not any rules against this, but it does make it harder to tell if they are doing the boosting method. also another theory i have is maybe they are doing this so it looks like they are playing with just 4 members, the others without gamertags looks like randoms and maybe they get put on the opposite team, and they don't try as hard or not play the game at all. which allows their clan to win. i have a small clan of about 8 and it is hard to get enough members online to do this clan wars, we are trying to play as much as we can, but with all the boosting, cheating, etc going on. its hard to get motivated to even try. i have never modded hacked or boosted in any of the cods. i even feel bad when the other team leaves and only leaves 2 people to play against 6. this just seems like a big issue that is extremly unfair to clans that play legit.