Actually security for a game is a must so what they probably did was create the game and create a small security program that wouldnt work didle sqwat but told everyone it would work wonders. These people make millions of dollars a year and cant seem to find a way to kill off the hackers i call bs. Hackers are using the security system/game rules to be able to go through and access the main program. Which means a programmer would be able to not only find the game rules and secuirty that has been rerouted and/or modified and fix and increase the security prototcals. The programmers for the back and front end of the game and the security specialist that i know for a fact they have, Should be able to create and/or edit and/or modify the program and the security to fix everything that needs to be fixed and if they can't well then thos programmers and/or specialist are not doing there job to the standard of the True Activision, IW, and Other companys. Which means that the reason we are getting screwed are the actually employees of those companies not doing a single job correctly.